There are so many myths on how to get rid of cellulite, and there is a reason for that. People are constantly searching for information about cellulite and all the latest cellulite treatments. Over 90 percent of women have cellulite on different parts of the body, especially their thighs. Men also have this problem, bull cellulite among men is not as common.

What is cellulite?

First, let’s take a closer look at the cellulite. The cellulite is caused by uneven deposits of fat under your skin, which gives it that dimpled appearance, or cottage cheese look. It affects men and women of all shapes and sizes. Cellulite fat is not your regular fat, which can be burned by dieting and exercises.

Cellulite Treatment.


Dieting and eating healthy is good for your body. You lose weight, the fat starts going away, but cellulite stays. That’s a common problem among those who are trying to get rid of cellulite by dieting. The problem is in targeting the wrong kind of fat, the cellulite fat has different structure, and is not going away by dieting alone.


There are many exercises that claim to help you get rid of cellulite once and for all. All these exercises target your leg muscles. Your legs start taking better shape, but cellulite stays. This is because you can’t get rid of cellulite, that is under your skin, by exercising your muscles. Exercising alone will help you be in a better shape, but can’t help much for your cellulite problem.

Cellulite creams.

One thing that doesn’t really help. It’s virtually impossible to get rid of cellulite just by applying a “magical” cream to your thighs.

Plastic Surgery – Laser Treatments.

One of the most effective methods in cellulite treatment is a laser treatment. The leader in laser cellulite treatments today is Cellulaze. In Hampton Roads, Cellulize is offered by Peninsula Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery. Cellulaze is a state of the art technology that helps you get rid of cellulite and have a healthy beautiful skin.Targeting the very structure of cellulite, Cellulize levels out bumps of fat, treats dimples by releasing the fibrous bands that pull down on the skin, and stimulates collagen production to increase depth and elasticity for a smoother look of your skin.

If you want to treat cellulite and have the immediate results, Cellulaze laser treatments is your number one choice! Get smoother looking, beautiful skin back, call Peninsula Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery today!